Since our inception in 1977, all of Meridian’s products have been researched, designed, and engineered by us in Great Britain.

From the flagship DSP loudspeakers with integrated amplification, to discreet and powerful in-wall loudspeakers, Meridian engineers easy-to-install, high-resolution audio systems for the home. Our products are sold by custom integrators and audio specialists in more than 80 countries, worldwide.

We Are British Audio Technology Pioneers.


Manufacturing our high-performance audio products in the UK means that we can have complete control over the process.

Our long-standing and highly skilled employees are an integral part of this process, along with our carefully chosen local supply chain that includes hand-crafted wooden cabinetry and artisan paint finishing. 

We can adapt to market demand and have the ability to quickly prototype new products and introduce new features right here in our Cambridgeshire factory.


We are offer added value services, such as product personalisation through Meridian Select, and true customisation of products with Meridian Bespoke.

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